Sunday, January 10, 2010

Are You Eff'n Serious?

It’s was another day of surfing the web in search of the latest headlines, horoscopes and words of encouragement, when I came across what sparked the title of today’s entry that I will be incorporating into my Blog in the future. It’s a lil something I’d like to call:
Foreal, how did this happen? Was one of the mentally impaired people that every company is required to hire, given the opportunity to choose a winner for this category (also apart of the equal opportunity requirements)? Or maybe it was a big snowstorm and the only person in the building was the janitor who had not quite gotten his GED yet, and the nominations had to go out right that moment leaving the task in his hands and unfortunately he didn’t know that Memorial is another word for Funeral. As in Loss. As in Eye on the Sparrow.

Now, I understand that we are seriously under represented on TV but it’s hard for me to believe there was nothing else to nominate? No Celebrity Comedy Roast? Old Sold Train episodes? Hell, I would have been okay with a high school talent show that aired on some Public Access channel. Not a damn funeral! FYI, that big shiny box they had up front wasn’t a podium for a midget, Michael Jackson was in there!

To be fair I can see how they could have been confused especially with Usher’s “emotional” rendition of “Gone To Soon” which he ended by snatching of his sunglasses and reaching for the casket like it was suddenly rolling away. Then there was the dramatic Usher/Jackson family hug, and who can forget Usher burying his head in Kathryn Jackson’s lap like he was a contestant in a pie-eating contest. You know what, now that I think about it, I’m taking everything I said back. This whole thing is Usher’s fault.

Seriously though, this nomination was a horrible call by the NAACP and if this is the kind of decision making going on over there it's not wonder black people never got reparations. I'm just saying NAACP, in the future if you find yourself grabbing at straws over who to give an Image Award to just remember, you can always give it to me.


  1. i know right...can you imagine how his momma is feeling right about now. my sons funeral was nominated for entertainment purposes. are you kidding. this is the most insensitive thing ive ever heard of.

  2. I think that is some bullshit myself!! NAACP gotta come betta than that!! Michael Jackson was more than what they just made him out to be. You would think the NAACP would know that! Oh well, this mass media is getting dumber and dumber by the second. Keep doin' ya thang shorty!! One luv!!

